Hi all. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has supported the club since March and returning to play. The response has been AMAZING! We as a club have made some changes that we feel put the club in a good position going forward long term and you all understood and gave us tremendous support, so thank you.
Moving forwards, we have now started taking memberships for the upcoming 2021-22 season. The membership to the club comes with a custom reversible kit that is yours to keep as well as membership to Basketball England via our club. In addition to this, we also require everyone who participates in our sessions to have a licence from Basketball England that you can acquire here: https://membership.basketballengland.co.uk/
This licence comes with personal insurance and is a requirement from Basketball England for us to be able to run sessions. The basic membership is FREE for anyone who is not taking part in sessions, however the minimum membership for the BE licence is £15.
Bill and myself will be able to help you should you have any questions on the fees, sign ups or licences, and we look forward to having you all back for the next season. It's going to be one to remember!
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